Hardware Wallet

The Namada Ledger app is currently in active development and not recommended for use. Information below may be out-of-date.

Namada's web wallet extension is compatible with the Ledger (opens in a new tab) hardware. This guide will walk you through the process of setting up your Ledger device to work with Namada.


A ledger device with the latest firmware installed. You can find instructions on how to update your firmware here (opens in a new tab).

Install the javascript npm package here (opens in a new tab).

In order to use the ledger with the web wallet, you will need to install the Namada Web Wallet.

Connecting your Ledger

  1. Open the Namada web extension.
  2. Under settings, click on the Connect Ledger button.
  3. Set an alias for the account that ledger will control the keys for.
  4. You can choose to connect to the ledger via USB (recommended) or HID (Human Interface Devices).
  5. The ledger will ask you to confirm the connection. Confirm this connection on your ledger device.
  6. Once completed, the extension will show the address of the account that the ledger is controlling the keys for.
  7. You can now close the information window and use the ledger to sign transactions.

Sending transactions with the ledger

See the web wallet guide for instructions on how to send transactions with the web wallet.