
The transaction module exposes various modules (objects) to construct transactions. Each object implements the ::new() method to create a new instance of the object.

pub mod account; // contains functions to create transactions for account module
pub mod governance; // contains functions to create transactions for governance module
pub mod ibc; // contains functions to create transactions for ibc module
pub mod pgf; // contains functions to create transactions for pgf module
pub mod pos; // contains functions to create transactions for pos module
pub mod transfer; // contains functions to create transactions for transfer module

Methods associated with every struct

Each struct in the transaction module implements the following methods:

/// Build a raw transaction from the given parameters
pub fn new(...) -> Self {...}
/// Get the bytes to sign for the given transaction
pub fn get_sign_bytes(&self) -> Vec<Hash> {...}
/// Attach a signature to the given transaction
pub fn attach_signatures(self, signer: common::PublicKey, signature: common::Signature) -> Self {...}
/// Attach a fee to the given transaction
pub fn attach_fee(self, fee: DenominatedAmount, token: Address, fee_payer: common::PublicKey, epoch: Epoch, gas_limit: GasLimit) -> Self {...}
/// Get the bytes of the fee data to sign
pub fn get_fee_sig_bytes(&self) -> Hash {...}
/// Attach a fee signature to the given transaction
pub fn attach_fee_signature(self, signer: common::PublicKey, signature: common::Signature) -> Self {...}
/// Generates the protobuf encoding of this transaction
pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {...}
/// Gets the inner transaction without the domain wrapper
pub fn payload(self) -> Tx {...}
/// Validate this wrapper transaction
pub fn validate_tx(&self) -> Result<Option<&Signature>, TxError> {...}

Using these modules is given in more detail under the examples section. Below we describe the instantiating of each struct associated with the respective module.


use namada_sdk::key::common;
use namada_sdk::hash::Hash;
use super::GlobalArgs;
pub struct InitAccount(Tx);
impl InitAccount {
    pub fn new(
            public_keys: Vec<common::PublicKey>,
            vp_code_hash: Hash,
            threshold: u8,
            args: GlobalArgs,
        ) -> Self {...}

A public key can be constructed from a string using the ::from_str() method. The vp_code_hash is a hash that is found under the wasm folder.


pub struct InitProposal(Tx);
impl InitProposal {
    /// Build a raw InitProposal transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(
        id: u64,
        content: Hash,
        author: Address,
        r#type: ProposalType,
        voting_start_epoch: Epoch,
        voting_end_epoch: Epoch,
        grace_epoch: Epoch,
        args: GlobalArgs,
    ) -> Self {...}
pub struct VoteProposal(Tx);
impl VoteProposal {
    /// Build a raw VoteProposal transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(
        id: u64,
        vote: ProposalVote,
        voter: Address,
        delegations: Vec<Address>,
        args: GlobalArgs,
    ) -> Self {...}


pub struct IbcTransfer(Tx);
impl IbcTransfer {
    /// Build a raw IbcTransfer transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(
        packet_data: MsgTransfer,
        GlobalArgs {
        }: GlobalArgs,
    ) -> Self {...}


pub struct ResignSteward(Tx);
impl ResignSteward {
    /// Build a raw ResignSteward transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(steward: Address, args: GlobalArgs) -> Self {...}
pub struct UpdateStewardCommission(Tx);
impl UpdateStewardCommission {
    /// Build a raw UpdateStewardCommission transaction from the given
    /// parameters
    pub fn new(
        steward: Address,
        commission: HashMap<Address, Dec>,
        args: GlobalArgs,
    ) -> Self {...}


pub struct Bond(Tx);
impl Bond {
    /// Build a raw Bond transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(
        validator: Address,
        amount: token::Amount,
        source: Option<Address>,
        args: GlobalArgs,
    ) -> Self {...}
pub struct Unbond(Tx);
impl Unbond {
    /// Build a raw Unbond transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(
        validator: Address,
        amount: token::Amount,
        source: Option<Address>,
        args: GlobalArgs,
    ) -> Self {...}
pub struct BecomeValidator(Tx);
impl BecomeValidator {
    /// Build a raw Init validator transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(
        address: Address,
        consensus_key: common::PublicKey,
        eth_cold_key: secp256k1::PublicKey,
        eth_hot_key: secp256k1::PublicKey,
        protocol_key: common::PublicKey,
        commission_rate: Dec,
        max_commission_rate_change: Dec,
        email: String,
        description: Option<String>,
        website: Option<String>,
        discord_handle: Option<String>,
        avatar: Option<String>,
        args: GlobalArgs,
    ) -> Self {...}
pub struct UnjailValidator(Tx);
impl UnjailValidator {
    /// Build a raw Unjail validator transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(address: Address, args: GlobalArgs) -> Self {...}
pub struct DeactivateValidator(Tx);
impl DeactivateValidator {
    /// Build a raw DeactivateValidator transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(address: Address, args: GlobalArgs) -> Self {...}
pub struct ReactivateValidator(Tx);
impl ReactivateValidator {
    /// Build a raw ReactivateValidator transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(address: Address, args: GlobalArgs) -> Self {...}
pub struct ClaimRewards(Tx);
impl ClaimRewards {
    /// Build a raw ClaimRewards transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(
        validator: Address,
        source: Option<Address>,
        args: GlobalArgs,
    ) -> Self {...}
pub struct ChangeMetaData(Tx);
impl ChangeMetaData {
    /// Build a raw ChangeMetadata transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(
        validator: Address,
        email: Option<String>,
        description: Option<String>,
        website: Option<String>,
        discord_handle: Option<String>,
        avatar: Option<String>,
        commission_rate: Option<Dec>,
        args: GlobalArgs,
    ) -> Self {...}
pub struct ChangeConsensusKey(Tx);
impl ChangeConsensusKey {
    /// Build a raw ChangeConsensusKey transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(
        validator: Address,
        consensus_key: common::PublicKey,
        args: GlobalArgs,
    ) -> Self {...}
pub struct ChangeCommission(Tx);
impl ChangeCommission {
    /// Build a raw ChangeCommission transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(validator: Address, new_rate: Dec, args: GlobalArgs) -> Self {...}
pub struct Withdraw(Tx);
impl Withdraw {
    /// Build a raw Withdraw transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(
        validator: Address,
        source: Option<Address>,
        args: GlobalArgs,
    ) -> Self {...}
pub struct Redelegate(Tx);
impl Redelegate {
    /// Build a raw Redelegate transaction from the given parameters
    pub fn new(
        src_validator: Address,
        dest_validator: Address,
        owner: Address,
        amount: Amount,
        args: GlobalArgs,
    ) -> Self {...}